The video above shows some of the events in conjunction with the National Technology Day celebration at Anna University (AU) in India. The school has been celebrating this day for the past few years to commemorate the test explosions of nuclear devices at the Pokhran test range on May 11, 1998. We are posting the video because Indian researchers at AU recently made another technological breakthrough that could affect motorists right here in the United States.
The technology news website TG Daily reported on July 6, 2012, that a research team at AU in Tamil Nadu has developed a technology that not only jams cell phone calls while a vehicle is in motion, but reports the driver’s attempt to authorities. The technology is based on radio-frequency identifications (RFIDs) and jams the phone signal of a driver attempting to use a cell phone while still allowing passengers in the vehicle to use their own phones. According to TG Daily, the system can report infringements as well as the vehicle’s registration number to police.
“Dialing and holding a phone while steering can be an immediate physical hazard, but the actual conversations also distract a driver’s attention,” Abdul Shabeer of the Anna University of Technology in Tamil Nadu told TG Daily. “Not only would such a system reduce road traffic deaths, but it would have the positive side effect of improving how the average goods vehicles are driven overall.”
While TG Daily said there is a “less draconian version” that would report the driver’s behavior to passengers, the technology sounds like the sort of advancement we need if we are to ever reduce, let alone eradicate, distracted driving accidents. Answers to frequently asked questions about car accidents are available on our website, but you should contact our firm if you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a collision caused by a driver who was talking or texting on a cell phone. You can use the form located on this page to tell us about your case or call us at (800) 235-7060 to see how our Orlando personal injury attorneys can help.
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