June is National Safety Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC). As one of this year’s promotions, the NSC is offering two of their programs for free if you enroll next week. Those two programs are:
- “Alive at 25® Parent Program,” and
- “First Aid and CPR with AED.”
The Alive at 25® Parent Program is a safety course for the parents of teenage drivers. The course takes about 2 hours and is designed to provide parents with suggestions for improving the teenage driving skills and hopefully, reduce the number of teenage auto accidents.
First Aid and CPR with AED is a basic safety skills program designed to help you save the lives of others. It teaches cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the proper use of an automated external defibrillator, how to assist a choking victim as well as basic first aid.
There is usually a fee associated with these NSC courses, so if you are interested, you should sign up next week, June 1-7, while they are offered free of charge.