Early on October 4, a car hit a 13-year-old girl walking to her school bus. This incident was the latest in a string of student pedestrian related car accidents in the area, bringing the total up to nine in the last six weeks since school has started.
This incident could have been much worse had the driver hit that brake a half second later. On the other hand, this scenario could have been avoided altogether had the traffic rules governing the situation been followed. According to News 13 Orlando, the driver that hit the teen girl failed to yield to the school bus that stopped to pick her up. After being flown to a nearby hospital, the girl luckily had no serious injuries.
While a necessary precaution, a flight to the hospital can be quite costly. Does it seem fair for the girl’s parents to have to pay that amount when a motorist violated a law specifically designed keep something like this from happening? Contacting an Orlando accident lawyer to get an advice on what to do next could be a good idea.
Wooten Kimbrough, P.A. – Orlando Personal Injury Attorneys