Doug / 07-29-2013 / Newsletter

Orlando Injury Attorneys on Vacation Safety

Mike Damaso Tom Dennis
Written By
Mike Damaso and Tom Dennis
Butch Wooten Orman Kimbrough
Peer Reviewed By
Butch Wooten and Orman Kimbrough
Updated: March 1, 2025

Florida is one of the largest family vacation destinations on the planet.  Between miles of coastline, dozens of theme parks, and hundreds of other travel destinations, the state of Florida is on the list of places that a family simply must visit.  As many begin to plan, pack, and head out onto the American roadways for their summer vacation, we’d like to take a moment and draw attention to some safety issues those headed to Florida may want to consider during their visit.

Avoid Driving Distractions:  We mentioned a few common driving distractions in a recent post, and we’d like to draw your attention to those again.  Bored children is a big one on the list, and one that can’t easily be mitigated, but no one wants to be in a car accident while they’re on vacation.  So calm the kids, and work to avoid other distractions while you’re behind the wheel.

Keep an Eye on the Kids:  Children want to see everything and will often run off at the slightest distraction.  This is only compounded in the theme parks where actors dressed as their favorite movie and television show characters are found around every corner.  While there are groups of employees to help track down missing children in the amusement parks, the same isn’t true at the beach, in the state parks, or even in your hotel.  So make sure you have a pre-planned meeting place wherever you’re family is spending the day.  If someone does wander off, make sure they know to go there to meet up.

Choose your Rides Carefully:  Rides in the Theme Parks, Water Parks, and other amusement areas in Florida all have rules about who can ride which ride.  Make sure you pay careful attention to these guides.  While your son or daughter may be anxious to go on that roller coaster, they could get seriously hurt if they’re still too short or too tall to ride.  By ensuring you choose only those rides your children are the right height to get on, you’ll do better to ensure they leave the park uninjured.

Set Up Meeting Points:  As we mentioned before, it is possible that someone in the family will find themselves separated from the rest of the group at some point.  Choose a spot that can easily be seen from most areas in the park or area.  A large sign or structure works best.  If you’re in one of the theme parks, the entrance kiosk is a good place.  Tell children to ask for help from a worker or one of the dressed up actors to help them if they’re separated.  They’re trained to help out in these situations and will assist in getting the child to the right location.

Be Aware of the Sun:  The summer sun in Florida can be brutal.  If you’re from northern climates you may not be prepared for how the heat and humidity here can affect you.  Make sure you bring lots of water for you and the rest of the family so no one gets dehydrated.  You should also pack in extra sunscreen.  Apply it vigorously to all exposed skin before you go out, and reapply often.  If you’re planning a day outside you can get a sunburn, so do your best to prevent that from happening.

We hope that when you choose to come down to Florida you enjoy your time here.  By making sure you plan for the safety and security of your family before you get here, you can do better to ensure you have a safe and happy time when visiting our state.  If you are injured when visiting, please contact us and let us know what happened.  We represent clients from across the country and we’re happy to review the facts of your case.

Wooten Kimbrough, P.A.  Orlando personal injury lawyers

Team Wooten, Kimbrough, Damaso & Dennis

Legally Written and Reviewed by a Managing Partner

Wooten, Kimbrough, Damaso & Dennis

Our content is written and reviewed by our founding attorneys Butch Wooten, Orman Kimbrough, Mike Damaso, and Tom Dennis. With over 100 years of combined courtroom experience, they’ve successfully handled thousands of personal injury cases across Florida. Whether you’re a Florida resident or an out-of-state visitor injured in Florida, we’re dedicated to providing clear and reliable information to help you navigate your legal options confidently.

Disclaimer: All verdicts and settlements listed here are gross amounts before deductions for attorney fees and costs. Past results do not guarantee similar results in the future. Most cases result in a lower recovery. It should not be assumed that your case will have as beneficial a result. Before choosing a lawyer, ask for written information about the lawyer's legal qualifications and experience.