In 2004, a young boy in preschool was riding in the family car that was being driven by his father in Polk County, Florida, when a drunk driver hit the car. The father suffered some injuries, but the little boy’s skull crashed apart. The boy survived, but the areas of his brain that control judgment and impulse decisions were damaged. The boy requires full-time care at a neurological rehabilitation center because of the accident.
The driver of the pickup truck pled guilty to a DUI in the case. A large civil lawsuit ensued and the boy was awarded $50 million in payments from the insurance company that held the drunk driver’s insurance policy. Most of that money is allocated for medical care for the boy. The rest is payment for lost wages and pain and suffering.
Florida Personal Injury Cases
Florida personal injury cases are lawsuits in which people are hurt due to the actions of someone else. Florida personal injury cases can include car accidents, workers’ compensation claims, medical malpractice or slip and fall accidents. A qualified Orlando personal injury attorney can help someone who lost money or wages due to the injury.
Personal injury claims are more difficult than ever before to prove. To win a personal injury claim in Florida, you must not only prove that you were hurt and have sustained monetary damage in the accident, you also have to prove that another party was at fault in the case. A qualified Orlando personal injury lawyer can help victims of such claims fight for their rights.
Florida Auto Accident Personal Injury Cases
Whiplash and back injuries are the most common injuries sustained by those involved with auto accidents in Florida. Many Florida auto accidents can be much worse and may result in brain, nervous system and respiratory damage. Individuals who are victims of personal injury auto accidents also commonly sustain losses of work and wages. In addition, sometimes the injuries come back to haunt them for the remainder of their lives, costing them more money in medical bills. Personal injury vehicle accident cases in Florida can include any of the following:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Fatal vehicle accidents
Wooten Kimbrough, P. A. has over 40 years of experience in handling personal injury cases and all of our partners are Board Certified Civil Trial Attorneys. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your personal injury case and there is no fee unless we make a recovery for you