Doug / 10-22-2008 / Newsletter

Florida Head Injury Crash

A Florida family with a special needs child settled a lawsuit out of court for $1.1 million for injuries he sustained in a car crash. The 13-year-old child was a passenger in a pick up when the vehicle hit a large truck on the highway. The larger commercial truck was making an illegal U-turn at the time of the accident. The boy was not wearing his seatbelt at the time and was ejected. As a result, he suffered a traumatic brain injury.

The boy’s family hired a Orlando car accident attorney who was able to negotiate the pre-trial settlement even though the truck the boy was in was speeding and the boy wasn’t wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. The boy likely sustained life-long injuries as a result of the accident, and the money received in the settlement will help pay for future medical bills and rehabilitation costs.

Florida Car Accident Negligence

Damages as a result of vehicle accidents in Florida can be largely paid by the at-fault party. Each driver in Florida is required by state law to have their own car insurance to cover a certain amount of their own medical bills and lost wages, as well as property damage done to the vehicle of another. However, if there is substantial damage or a permanent injury as a result of an accident in Florida, a not-at-fault party may file a claim to seek reimbursement from the party that is at fault in the crash.

If a party is negligent in a car crash in Florida, he can be held responsible for a wide array of expenses. At-fault parties can be required to pay for any of the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical or rehabilitation costs
  • Damage to any vehicles involved in the crash
  • Damage to any property involved in the crash
  • Lost wages of those injured in the crash

Percentage of Responsibility

Florida law allows a judge or jury in a personal injury vehicle accident case to assign a percentage of responsibility for any costs and damages associated with the crash. A judge can decide that a party is only 40 percent responsible for the crash and thusly must pay for 40 percent of the damages.

A qualified Orlando car accident attorney can assist those who are injured or harmed in any way in a car accident in this state. These experienced lawyers can work on behalf of those who are victims to recover the money lost due to such unfortunate events.

Wooten Kimbrough, P.A., welcomes the opportunity to discuss your personal injury case free of charge. We never charge our clients unless we are able to recover for you. The Partners in our firm are Board Certified Civil Trial Attorneys, and they have over 180 years of combined experience as Orlando car accident attorneys, handling numerous auto accident cases.

Disclaimer: All verdicts and settlements listed here are gross amounts before deductions for attorney fees and costs. Past results do not guarantee similar results in the future. Most cases result in a lower recovery. It should not be assumed that your case will have as beneficial a result. Before choosing a lawyer, ask for written information about the lawyer's legal qualifications and experience.