Who is at fault for A dog bite in Florida?
If you’re injured by a dog, whether the dog bit or the dog even charged or attacked but didn’t bite, Florida has some pretty strict laws that says that the dog owner is strictly liable, automatically responsible for that dog’s conduct. Now, there may be some defenses for the dog owner under the statutes, whether the dog was agitated or provoked, or whether there were signs, warning signs about a dangerous dog. But the dog owner is generally automatically responsible for that dog’s conduct if the dog hurt somebody. Now also, if it’s not the dog owner, if you’re the person who’s taking possession of the dog, you might also be held strictly liable if that dog causes injury to somebody else. And that’s why it’s important to look at the insurance policies for the dog owner to make sure that dog owner has a homeowner’s policy that covers injuries caused by that dog owners animal. Sometimes these insurance companies like to write exclusions into the homeowner’s policy where they don’t cover injuries caused by animals, and you want to make sure your homeowner’s policy has that coverage.