An eight year-old personal injury suit is finally getting its day in court. Margaret Davenport sued Jason Krankle, alleging a vehicle collision in Alton caused her personal injuries, back and neck injuries. The case went to the jury and the panel agreed on an award of $8,000 in damages.
Davenport sought at least $11,000 in medical bills and other damages. Krankle admitted that his car struck a vehicle Davenport was a passenger in eight years ago. Henry Campbell drove the vehicle struck.
Plaintiff filed the lawsuit, dropped and later re-filed. Campbell was set to testify for the plaintiff, as well as several of Davenport’s doctors. Davenport claimed she has sought treatment over the eight-year span for neck pain. Davenport had another incident involving her neck, which further aggravated her original injuries.
Krankle’s defense attorney argued the plaintiff has several gaps in her medical history and claimed the plaintiff first sought treatment for neck pain four years after the collision occurred. Krankle’s attorney did acknowledge that his client was at fault for the accident.
Jury deliberated for an hour before reaching a verdict. Davenport did not receive the full amount she was after, but jury agreed with $1,000 for the loss of a normal life, $6,000 for pain and suffering and $1,602 for medical costs.