A man was arrested in Florida after he was caught peeping in the women’s restroom at Walt Disney World’s Epcot theme park, according to the New York Post. Lloyd Miller, 42, is charged with sexual assault for peeking over a bathroom stall to spy on a tourist from Pennsylvania who was vacationing with her family.
According to reports, Miller tried to claim the incident was an accident. The woman’s husband and Disney park security apprehended Miller as he tried to flee. Disney said that Miller had previously been banned from their facilities, although they did not say why.
How was Miller able to get back into the park if he was banned? Had Disney caught him doing this before possibly and failed to notify police? Should Disney be held accountable for these types of sexual assaults and possible tourist injuries if they had previous knowledge of this man’s behavior?
Wooten Kimbrough, P.A.—Orlando personal injury attorneys.