The Orlando Sentinel reported today that over 1,100 drivers have been cited with running a red light with the new red-light cameras installed just two-weeks ago. The new lights are intended to reduce the number of auto accidents resulting from drivers running red lights.
Drivers who are caught by the camers receive a $125 citation in the mail with still pictures of them running the light. They are also given online access to a video of the same infraction. The drivers have 30 days to either pay the fine or file an appeal with the City. For drivers who are caught three times, the fine jumps to $250.
Opponents of red light cameras say they may actually increase the number of rear-end accidents as people slam on their brakes to avoid getting a ticket. They also say it is only a means of revenue for the City and the vendor providing the camers.
Apparently some of the violators are venting their frustration with the new system as they send their $125 checks. One violator addressed her envelope to the City of Orlando “thieves” and writing “I hate this City” on her check. So what are they mad about, the red light cameras or just the fact that they got caught? Reminds me of a friend of mine who gets mad at the cop when she gets stopped for speeding – like it’s his fault!
After watching some of the blatant red-light runners on video, it’s hard to feel sympathy for any of them. In several cases, other cars were already stopped at the light when someone blew right threw it. In another video a pedestrian can been seen trying to cross the street with the light when a car goes right through the red light.